How Companies are Using Pinterest

Written By: Roberta M. Fisher, Gadd Business Consultants

Get an advantage over your competition or at the very least get on the same level.  Pinterest began as a place to post and get ideas for crafts, hobbies, projects and their passions.  It has become so much more.  Pinterest has become a useful tool in promoting your business and products.  You can post blogs, infographics, videos, whitepapers and more.  When considering using Pinterest for Marketing consider these 10 tips.

  1. Focus on Customer Interests

Customers are coming to you for ideas, not to learn about you and your products.  Provide information that will be of interest to them.


  1. Optimize Pins for Search

Guided Search has been added, which allows you to scroll through and tap on anything that is interesting to the customers.  Make sure you optimize your pins in order to be found in a multitude of ways.

  • Pins should be as descriptive as possible
  • Pre- populate pin descriptions on your website. Use Pinterest’s Widget Builder to add pins


  1. Optimize Posts to boost Repins

Marketing utilizing Pinterest emphasizes more about creating pins then followers.  The content of your post is the most important information, not the person who posted it.


  1. Be Mobile Friendly

Remember that 80% of Pinterest usage is through a mobile device or tablet make sure it is mobile friendly.


  1. Use Pinterest Analytics to Improve Conversion

Analytics include the following information; who is pinning from your website, how the pins are performing and which pins are receiving the most clicks and repins.


  1. Advertise Using Promoted Pins

Pins are available for sale on a cost-per-click basis.


  1. Participate in Pinterest Group Boards

Group boards within Pinterest is a valuable way to grow your customer base to a wide range of users.  Joining groups provides an entrance into new customers which lead to interest in your website and business.


  1. Optimize Images for Pinterest

Considering images/pictures is what drives the interest to Pinterest, you need to ensure your images are telling the public what it is interested in and what they need to know about your business.  Use only first rate pictures to get your point across.


  1. Link to Your Website But Not the Home Page

Linking to your website should be a direct line to the information the customer is looking for lives. Not your home page.  Connect to the product information, posts, blogs, etc.


  1. Include “Pin It” Buttons on All Pages

Add a “Pin It” option to your social media choices such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Reference: Paul Chaney, Small Business Trends where he cover industry news, services, and trends affecting small businesses,