What New Year’s Resolutions Should Your business Make

By: Roberta M. Fisher, Gadd Business Consultants

It’s not too late to make New Year’s resolutions for your business which will help to continue growing your business.  When the resolutions are followed through your business can reach new heights.

Provide 5 Star Customer Service

Every business owner knows making your customers happy and satisfied is the number one priority of a successful business.  Even if you are doing a great job at customer service there is always room for improvements for both the customer and business owner.  It is more cost effective to concentrate on you current customers and not spend too much time on acquiring new clients, which tends to  be five to twenty-five times more expensive then maintaining your current customers. 

Customers now expect to receive 24/7 customer service.  This can be accomplished by utilizing your own website and adding a channel for them to receive answers for their current issue/problem.  By adding social media channels to your existing website like Facebook or Twitter it will help your business to achieve these goals.  Your client base will be happier, and it will cut down on your competition.

Boosting Marketing Efforts

Look back on your marketing efforts from 2019 to analyze what worked and what did not this will help you in deciding what next steps you should be making in your marketing endeavors.  More and more customers are going to social media platforms for doing their shopping.  Make your website prepared for this by adding a checkout feature to your website.  This will allow your customers to shop, order and pay for their items easily.  All these implementations will help you to keep your customers and gain new ones without too much effort or cost.

Increase Productivity

The idea of working faster or to get more organized is not necessarily the answer to becoming more productive.  The answer lays in becoming more automated within the processes of doing business.

Look at automating the most mundane to the most tedious processes like invoicing, social media scheduling, marketing emails, tracking inventory and looking for leads.  The easiest tasks should be looked at first and go from there.  With more automation in place your employees will have more time to work on bigger and newer things.

Delegate More and Grow Your Team

Begin to start concentrating on growing your business by freeing up your time.  Start to delegate some of your tasks to another or possibly hire another employee.  What are the tasks that you dislike or that are time consuming and tedious?  Start there when assigning tasks. 

If you see that you have a very tight budget and adding a new employee is not feasible than consider hiring a freelancer that works remote.  Freelancers would be great for tasks like social media marketing, email marketing and so on.  This way work is completed on a as needed basis without the costs of hiring a full-time employee.

Over to You

Whatever your list of resolutions contains, or the length of the list make sure to give yourself the best chance to accomplish them.  Remember to make them SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.  SMART goals will avoid giving up on them too soon and you’ll be able to realize your resolutions and you will be successful in 2020.

Reference: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/343850