We assist businesses with implementing financial systems and strategies that ultimately enhance the financial transparency and overall value of the company. – Evan Lyszczyk, Consultant

Financial management involves the development of a sound financial plan that considers a balance between risk and reward, financial margins, and an organizational mission.

Whether a for-profit or non-profit entity, it is critical to recognize the importance of financial sustainability. It is essential to know your current financial position and be able to forecast your future capital needs and cash flow.  It is vital to have both a clear understanding of your various revenue streams and what it specifically costs to provide each product or service your entity offers while supporting the culture and mission of the organization.

Our team works with the organization to develop and implement strategies that improve cash flow and increase the overall value of the organization.  When appropriate, we facilitate the acquisition of funds and the efficient allocation of those funds within your firm. We create financial tracking and reporting systems and controls that allow the generation of timely and accurate financial information and the ability to effectively and practically assess the financial condition of the entity and implement timely strategies and action plans to assure the future success and sustainability of the business and organization.

Gadd Business Consultants services include, but are not limited to, the following core Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Management services:

  • Financial Analysis & Planning
  • Financial Systems & Controls
  • Budgeting & Projections
  • Cash Flow and Profit Analysis & Management
  • Job Costing Systems & Controls
  • Expense Reduction & Overhead Analysis
  • Business Valuations
  • Deal Structuring & Negotiation
  • Capital Funding and Capital Campaigns
  • Inventory Systems and Controls
  • Estimating & Pricing Systems